Tuesday, July 12, 2011

something different

Hello friends!
I am so incredibly sorry it has been forever since I blogged. I've been crafting but I've been doing things that have already been featured on the blog... nothing new... YET! But just keep checking back and there should be some new craft projects coming soon :)

I'm writing this blog post just to give an update on my life. Although craft projects are more fun, I feel it's necessary to update on my life happenings as well! After all... this blog is about "crafts, life lessons, and love" so I intend to do just that.

This past weekend for the 4th of July I went to DISNEY WORLD!!! It was such an amazing trip and Disney is definitely the BEST place for 4th of July fireworks! I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to go. Here is a quick recap of my trip in pictures:

learn how to make photo collages like this here

Starting this past Friday (7/8) through next Sunday (7/17), I am a counselor for our Lipscomb Admissions summer camp called "Summer Scholars". Basically 37 rising high school seniors are on Lipscomb's campus taking a college class while also hanging out with Admissions and doing all kinds of fun things around Nashville. It is so much FUN! I can't believe I get paid to do this. Like this Saturday, we are going canoeing!!! How awesome right?! We will also be going to a Sounds baseball game, having a luau, going to Deer Run, eating Sweet Cece's, and exploring downtown Nashville. What a great job I have!!! I'm so thankful!

AND to continue on with the good news.... I found out my Reading Across the Curriculum PRAXIS scores today and....... I PASSED!!!!! And not to toot my own horn or anything but I passed with flying colors! I was SO excited and may have shed a few tears :) I'm so thankful I no longer have to worry about that! 1 PRAXIS test down, 3 to go! I take another one on July 23rd called "Content Knowledge" so I'll let yall know how I did on that one too!

Now for the life lesson part of my post. There have been a few changes in my life recently in which I can only trust God in and pray He knows what he's doing in my life. So much good has been brought so far and I am feeling better than ever! God has really been teaching me through all of this to rely on HIM because who else is an always constant in my life and cares this much about me?! No one! He is the ultimate lover of my soul and it's in Him that I find peace and love. I'm genuinely falling in love with God and it is the neatest feeling that I could never describe to you but wish I could. I'm so thankful for this place I am at in my life and I just pray that God's will be done.

I just got done reading Max Lucado's "A Love Worth Giving" and it was the most incredible book I have ever read. I DEFINITELY recommend it if you have a hard time loving people. One quote that stuck out to me the most throughout the book was, "There are seasons when God allows us to feel the frality of human love so we'll appreciate the strength of his love."  Like I mentioned before, God is the ultimate lover of my soul and showers me with constant unconditional love. In this season of my life, I'm learning to live in that love and show that love to other people and it is really changing my life. Praise God!

Well there's my update! Hopefully I will be able to get back to crafting soon, as there are many things I can't wait to attempt and show yall! I hope you all have an incredibly blessed week. Thanks for reading :) Love!

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