Sunday, June 12, 2011

and the jewelry holder winner is.....

So I didn't think I would make a decision quite this soon BUT I got in a crafty mood last night and decided that, why not, I would give one a try!

Shabby Chic Dangly Earring Display Holder
I decided I was going to try this one but put my own spin on it. You can find the tutorial for this jewelry holder here. And now.... here's mine!

BEFORE. Sorry it has paint on it already. I started painted before I realized I didn't have a before picture!

AFTER. This is a picture of my jewelry holder with no earrings!

And here is my jewelry holder with earrings! I am VERY happy with how it turned out!

Here is a quick tutorial on my frame. I forgot to take pictures along the way!
  1. I started with a cheap 8x10 frame from the thrift store. I took the glass and backing out. I then decided to paint it because it was that tacky gold coloring that was beginning to rust. I used an antique white paint that we already had in our garage.
  2. I used 2 coats of the paint and I didn't prime or anything before. I also painted the back and painted the inside of the frame because if it was going to sit up against a mirror, I didn't want the back to be ugly in the reflection of the mirror. But I don't think it's necessary! Just me being picky :)
  3. While I was waiting on my frame to dry, I took the cardboard backing that comes in the frame and began to make my jewelry holder. I used scrapbook paper I already had and measured a piece that would cover the whole carboard piece.
  4. I then measured and cut pieces of twine that would fit horizontally across the piece of cardboard. I made my pieces of twine tight so that my earrings wouldn't hang down too much. I got the twine awhile ago for $1.79 at Walmart in the rope section. I use it ALL the time!
  5. I then taped the pieces of twine to the back of the piece of cardboard. I just used normal scotch tape and it held up fine!
  6. Then I put the piece of cardboard in the frame and put the backing back on and TADAH! I have a new jewelry holder!!!!
Cost: $1.99 (This was just for the frame. I already had everything else I used!)
Time: about 30 minutes

Overall, I am VERY pleased with how it turned out! I also like that I used neutral colors so it will match anything if I decide to use it when I go to school :) Thanks for reading everyone! Happy crafting!!

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