Saturday, August 1, 2015

my new 5th grade classroom reveal

Welcome! I changed grade levels this year from 1st grade to 5th grade. While I am so nervous, I am very excited for a new challenge and exploring the things 5th graders can do that 1st graders can't. I still kept some 1st grade elements to my classroom because 5th graders are still little kids at heart (I hope). Come check out my new room! (PS I went a little pennant banner crazy. #sorrynotsorry)

A place to hang their work outside our room, my "Currently Reading" and "Just Finished" boards outside my room for me to let kids know what books I'm reading (from MsAPlusTeacher), and my "What's the Password?" sign which I plan on putting vocabulary words on and they have to define them before they can come in.

Welcome! Come on in! Hopefully it's the happiest place you've ever been :) 

My 5th grade door... it's hard to read but it says "5th grade is sweet!" and I'll put their names on the cupcakes once I get my final class list. I promise the orange shows up better in person!

Daily 5 chart, compliment jars for all 3 of my classes (from Reagan Tunstall), yellow tape on floor for them to line up on, bookshelf with materials for the students to use

Classroom Expectations, hand signals

Front of the room (apparently 5th graders have homework and have to write in their agenda haha!)

Yes I'm keeping my rug, rocking chair, and easel. Hopefully the 5th graders will enjoy it!

Small group area

Probably my favorite part of the room. I made all of those pennant banners to look like curtains (since I'm too cheap to buy curtains) and I LOVE how they turned out! I also have all of my Kohls 5 dollar books and stuffed animals back there too. I love how they look all sitting back there! So happy! The book boxes are for Daily 5. 

Computer area. That back wall will be filled with anchor charts in no time!

Storage and job chart

Job chart that I made

My teacher desk, "Book Quotes" makeshift bulletin board in the background which is where the kids will put their favorite book quotes with a silver Sharpie (I added a quote from Wonder)

My teacher desk

The students' library. The kids will write the books they love on that makeshift bulletin board with silver Sharpie. The big yellow thing with the curtain and the metal bookshelf are storage for me. The Fridge bulletin board is for kids to hang their work on that they're proud of (like your mom used to hang your work on the fridge at home). 

One bookshelf in the library. I bought those book display holders on Amazon (12 for 7 dollars!). I LOVE how they display my favorite books! Hopefully the kids will want to read them now :)

More library. PS I'm taking chapter book donations if anyone has any they want to get rid of! 

Places for the kids to sit in the library.

Word Wall (probably will end up being a vocabulary wall) and the writing table for Daily 5

Focus Wall for spelling words, vocabulary words, essential question, etc.

The awesome tent my mom's friend Kathy gave me. My 1st graders LOVED to read in there and I'm hoping my 5th graders will too!

Looking from my small group table

My text evidence board. As a class, we will come up with phrases to show text evidence in our writing and put them on this board. I'm planning on putting our accountable talk charts here too once we make them as a class. 

Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed my classroom tour! I'm sure I'll change a ton as I learn all about my new 5th graders and their needs. But for now... this is it! I ultimately love how bright, happy, and cheerful it is and hopefully the kids will too! It's going to be a good year!
